The WAC Information Department has finalised a new project called “САРА ИСЫХЬӠУП“.

As part of the work of the WAC to preserve the cultural heritage and national identity of the Abkhaz-Abaza ethnic group, the information department of the WAC presented the “САРА ИСЫХЬӠУП”(“MY NAME IS”) project. The project is a booklet with a list of Abkhazian names, proposed and prepared by the WAC team. The list was previously reviewed and approved by ethnographers. The goal of the project is to popularize Abkhazian names.

According to the information department, booklets will be distributed free of charge to pregnant women in places of routine medical examinations, antenatal clinics, treatment departments of maternity hospitals, laboratories and registry offices of the republic.

On the back of the booklet there is a pregnancy calendar with brief information about what changes occur in a woman’s body, how the baby develops, what tests and studies need to be completed at each stage of pregnancy. The list of names and addresses to young parents are presented in two languages ​​(Abkhaz and Russian), the pregnant women’s calendar is in Russian.

“Despite the fact that the project has already been launched, we must say that this is its pilot version. The list cannot be limited to the number of names presented. We are also preparing a separate column on the official website, with a broader list. Addressing directly those to whom this booklet is intended, I would like, first of all, to congratulate them on the expectation of a small miracle that is about to appear in their homes! Surely, expectant young parents are faced with a difficult choice of name for their baby. This is a great responsibility! This choice will predetermine the child’s entire life: how others will perceive him, how he will perceive himself. The meaning of his name will go hand in hand with him all his life. The list we have compiled is a list of beautiful and rich in meaning Abkhazian names. They reflect the very essence of our national identity, bring us closer to traditions and culture, and create a connection between generations. We compiled this list as part of the WAC project dedicated to the maintenance and preservation of cultural heritage. Like our children’s first steps, let this be the first step towards something big and beautiful! We are confident that our works will resonate in the heart of everyone who loves their native Apsny and its great people! Let’s together revive our identity with a small but very important step,” said the author of the project, specialist in the information department of the WAC Alisa Khutaba.

The booklet contains more than 200 male and female names. Starting next week, booklets will begin to be distributed to medical institutions in the republic.