A two-day intensive dedicated to the problems of preschool education was held for kindergarten teachers in the Gagra region.

The Department of the World Abaza Congress on Education, Social Activity and Health presented a new project - trainings for kindergarten teachers.

The pilot training was conducted in the town of Gagra for teachers and employees of kindergartens in the Gagra region. The experts were psychologist, speech therapist-defectologist Yulia Dubitskaya and psychologist, head of the Rostock children's center Anna Podolyanko.

The intensive lasted two days. It involved 19 teachers from kindergartens in the Gagra region. The training took place at Gagra Secondary School No. 1 named after K.K. Chamagua.

Norms of mental development of preschool children, conditions for the formation of correct skills, conditions for the education and development of a preschool child, work with children with mild and severe speech impairments, as well as additional work in building communications with their parents and many other issues were discussed during two days of intensive.

Specialist of the WAC OSAZ department Naur Khishba told about how the idea of ​​​​creating such a project arose.

“During the work on the medical examination project, we were often contacted by doctors who identified a large number of children with delayed mental and speech development. As with other features of health development, early diagnosis and a clear action plan are very important here. In this issue, preschool educational institutions, kindergartens, in particular, the teachers and employees themselves play a major role. That is why it seemed to us that it would be very timely and never out of place to conduct intensive training for kindergarten employees,” he said.

The training participants were shown several presentations on the development of preschool children, the norms of mental development of preschool age and the features of working with children with speech delays in a kindergarten.

According to psychologist Yulia Dubitskaya, the main task of such intensive courses is to help employees of preschool institutions achieve clear “teacher-parent-child” interaction.

“We tried to give as much information as possible about the developmental psychology of children, about at what age what requirements should be presented to children. We talked and tried to feel in practice what modern trends operate and influence what happens in kindergarten, how a child develops, why some norms now described in the scientific literature are not comparable to real children and what to do about it,” Dubitskaya said.

The expert noted that every year the number of children with various disabilities is increasing steadily, which poses new challenges for educators.

“We have a certain spontaneous inclusion, that is, when children with disabilities or special needs are in general education institutions together with typically developing children. This poses a huge number of tasks for educators - educational, correctional, and training. At the same time, there is not a sufficient material and technical base; there is not a sufficiently large amount of knowledge on how to interact with children with special needs. Moreover, it turns out that it is very difficult for educators to carry out their work. Therefore, our two-day seminar was designed to help educators resolve pressing issues,” she added.

Dubitskaya noted that together with her colleague they tried to provide as much practical knowledge and tasks as possible for use in practice.

After all, the main goal of a modern educator is to facilitate working conditions when working with different children, to help the child quickly adapt and unlock their potential, as well as to form stable, trusting relationships with parents.

The head of the WAC OSAZ department, Izolda Khagba, thanked everyone involved in the implementation of the new project.

“We are grateful to trainers Yulia Dubitskaya and Anna Podolyanko, who conducted trainings for kindergarten teachers for two days. It should be noted that we received a good feedbacks from the heads of kindergartens in the Gagra region and, of course, from the head of the Municipal department of public education, Madina Azhiba-Khishba, who gathered all the heads of kindergartens. We discussed in detail the topics proposed for the training and focused on three issues that we considered the most important for our specialists,” she said.

According to Izolda Khagba, it is important that managers at all levels are interested in their specialists taking advanced training courses and learning something new. After all, the first beneficiaries are our children.

The project implementers plan to hold a similar two-day intensive course for kindergarten teachers in the Gudauta region this fall.