More than three hundred participants from the countries of residence of the Abkhaz-Abaza people were gathered by the "Abaza" festival in Karachay-Cherkessia.

The Abkhaz-Abaza Games opened the Fifth Cultural and Sports Festival "Abaza", which this year was jointly held by the Association for the Development of the Abaza-Abkhazian Ethnos "Alashara" and the World Abaza Congress (WAC).

The teams competed in arm sport, pole climbing, long jump, weight running, stone throwing, 100 meters distance running, shooting at targets, tug-of-war, and football and volleyball.
Games of the people of Abaza are held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic for the fifth time. The geographical boundaries of the participants of the competitions are expanding every year, covering new regions of Russia and abroad.