Journalist Ekaterina Bebia dedicated another series of video interviews as part of her author's TV program "Walking the paths of Apsuara" to the villager Peta Adleyba and his family..

As part of the television program of the journalist Ekaterina Bebia "Walking the paths of Apsuara", the author is talking about the basics of Apsuara with Peta Adleyba, a resident of the  Otap village and his family. The interview was recorded in 2009, in the village of Otap, Ochamchira district.

"Abkhazians are the most conscientious people. It is not easy to live by conscience, it is not easy to observe Apsuara. This includes hospitality, maintenance of the ancestral home and ancestral graves, worship… Once a year, we all gather here to pray to God, make a sacrifice, light candles," Peta Adleyba said.