The 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was celebrated in Abkhazia with a solemn laying of flowers at the monument to the Unknown Soldier, a military parade, field kitchen and the action “Immortal Regiment”.

On May 9, Abkhazia celebrated Victory Day in the bloodiest war of the 20th century - the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (WWII).  Festive events were held throughout the Republic, the most wide scale of which took place in the capital.

In the morning, people began to gather at the monument to the Unknown Soldier in order to honor the memory of those killed in this war.  The ceremonial laying of flowers and wreaths at the memorial began at 11 am.  The event was attended by the President and members of the Government of the Republic, schoolchildren, students, citizens, guests of Sukhum and Abkhazia.

The holiday of the Victory Day over the fascists in the Great Patriotic War - May 9 - is annually widely celebrated not only in Russia and in the post-Soviet space, but also in various cities and countries of the world.  During the Great Patriotic War, more than 55 thousand people went to the front from the Abkhaz land, 15 500 of them were Abkhaz.  More than 3,000 Abaza also fought on the World War II fronts.

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