The Executive Secretary of the World Abaza Congress (WAC) Inar Gitsba spoke about the goals and tasks facing the organization, the repatriation of Abkhazians and Abazins, the strengthening of ties with the Diaspora and the preservation of the language.

In the opinion of the Executive Secretary of the World Abaza Congress and the former Plenipotentiary Representative of Abkhazia in the Republic of Turkey Inar Gitsba, relations between the Diaspora and the historical Motherland are being transformed from year to year for the better. This is facilitated by the removal of barriers, which at one time prevented the communication of compatriots. But other obstacles remain for more active interaction, first of all, the language barrier.

Gitsba called for the use of modern methods of studying languages ​​and offered to encourage for knowledge of the native language.

According to him, repatriation should become a national idea of ​​the people of Abaza. In this case, according to Gitsba, it is necessary to create conditions for more comfortable adaptation of returnees in the historical homeland.