The President of the International Association "Alashara", the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the World Abaza Congress, the Deputy Chairman of the People's Assembly of the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic Musa Khabalevich Ekzekov became the President of the Friendship Society with Turkey.

A letter of congratulations to Mussa Khabalevich was sent by the Russian Association of International Cooperation (RAMS) represented by the Secretary General Vladimir Mikhailovich Polozkov.

Vladimir Mikhailovich noted that Mussa Khabalevich's work on this position will allow raising the activities of the Friendship Society to a new level, which will contribute to the further development of the entire complex of Russian-Turkish relations.

The history of the St. Petersburg Friendship Society with Turkey (SPbODT) dates back to June 2001, when the initiative group for the creation of the Russia-Turkey Friendship Society first gathered in the "House of Friendship" on the Fontanka Promenade. Although the society was not formed at that time due to organizational difficulties, the first festival "Turkey in Rhythms" was held in June 2001, followed by two more in 2002 and 2004. The founding day of the St. Petersburg Society of Friendship with Turkey is considered to be August 23, 2007, when the charter of the Society was approved. SPbODT is a full member of the St. Petersburg Association of International Cooperation. The Society aims to facilitate the establishment and maintenance of contacts between the general public of Russia and Turkey, and the comprehensive strengthening of business and humanitarian ties between the countries.