The IX "Abaza" cultural and sports festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic from July 21 to 23. This year it included the Games of the Abaza people, Culture Day, as well as a round table on the development of the Abkhaz and Abaza languages ​​in preschool education.

The cultural and sports festival "Abaza" has been held since 2014, on the initiative of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the WAC and the President of the ANO "Alashara" Mussa Ekzekov. This time, the Sports Academy of the Abaza People joined his organization.

The festival opened with games in the village of Apsua, Adyge-Khablsky Region of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Thousands of people gathered on the territory of the hippodrome: competition participants, village residents and delegations who came from different parts of Russia and abroad. 

More than a sport 

The games program included the following types of sports disciplines: running, mini-football, volleyball, shooting, archery, tug of war, arm wrestling, pole climbing competitions, kettlebell lifting, triathlon, long jump.

In addition to team competitions, everyone could test their strength in board games, darts and petanque. 11 teams from different villages of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the city of Moscow and the Republic of Abkhazia took part in the games.

"For the third year in a row we have been taking part in the Games of the Abaza people. We try to refresh the team every year so that as many young people as possible come to the games. Sports results are, of course, important, but getting to know and communicate with our Abaza brothers is more valuable than any victory. The atmosphere here is amazing, the games are held at the highest level as always. We have 37 people in our team, everyone is in the most fighting spirit and some athletes have already shown themselves well. Let's hope for good results!" said the captain of the team from Abkhazia, head of the WAC department for youth development and physical culture Valery Berzeniia. 

At the opening ceremony, the winners of last year's tournament, residents of the village of Inzhich-Chukun, awarded the representatives of the village of Apsua with the main prize - the Games Cup.

Welcoming speeches were made by the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the WAC, President of the ANO "Alashara" Mussa Ekzekov, Chairman of the State Committee for Repatriation of the Republic of Abkhazia, head of the Abkhazian delegation Vadim Kharazia, President of the "Academy of Sports of the Abaza People" Murat Tlisov, Chairman of the Council of Elders of the Abaza People Mukhadin Aubekov, freestyle wrestling world champion Ramed Gukev, Minister of Culture of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Zurab Agirbov, Minister of Sports of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Uzdenov Rashid, head of the Adyge-Khablsky Region Astezhev Mukhtar, head of the Apsuan rural settlement Anuar Kuzhev. 

"The games being held have already become a national holiday of sports, family and unity. It is gratifying that every year they become larger and more systematic. This means that people engage with our program with a deeper understanding of why we are doing this. Sport is not only a healthy body and a healthy mind. Through sports, health, joy and good mood, we are actively dealing with patriotic education of youth. Our main task is for each of us to be a worthy representative of the Abaza people in any society," said Mussa Ekzekov.

This year, for the first time, horseracing was timed to coincide with the games. They were not part of the competition program, but they brought true pleasure to everyone present. The beauty of the horses, combined with strength and speed, did not leave anyone indifferent. The tournament consisted of five races at distances of 1600 and 2000 meters. The winners were awarded cups and cash prizes.

Many people contributed to the organization of the games - activists and residents of the village, the Council of Elders, the Women's Council and, of course, volunteers.

"The unity and interaction of the residents of the village, the Alashara team, the Sports Academy of the Abaza People and many others helped create a real holiday that brought together over 6,000 representatives of our people. Not only Abaza teams participate in the games, but also our Abkhazian brothers, a team from Moscow, which includes people from different villages of the republic. The format of the tournament allows us to strengthen our fraternal ties and maintain our unity and spirit!" shared the president of the "Abaza People’s Sports Academy" Murat Tlisov. 

The winner of the Games of the Abaza people was the team from the Kubina village; the second place went to the village of Inzhich-Chukun, and the third to Krasny Vostok.

The team from Abkhazia took silver in volleyball. The horse of our compatriot Nodar Tsishba, nicknamed Radeda, took the first place in the 2000-meter race among purebred English horses. After the award ceremony, the baton for hosting the next games was passed to the village of Staro-Kuvinsk. 

Interdepartmental meetings

As part of the cultural and sports festival, deputies of the Sukhum Municipal Assembly met with the head of Cherkessk Valery Deduk. The Abkhazian delegation included deputies Igor Beraya, Roman Kutarba, Hayk Kalendzhyan, Denis Inapshba, as well as the head of the Sergei Bagapsh Sports Palace Batal Eshba. The parties discussed the development of sports, tourism and agriculture on the territory of the two republics.

A round table "Current state and prospects for the development of the Abaza language in preschool institutions" was held in Cherkessk. Educators and the scientific community of Karachay-Cherkessia attended it. Invited guests spoke at the event: First Deputy Minister of Education of Abkhazia Ada Kvarchelia and Institute of Pedagogy specialist for preschool education Rimma Dzhenia. 

"We talked about the problems we face in developing our native language and presented educational materials developed by the Ministry of Education. We saw a sincere response, because, in essence, our language problems are the same. Language is the main indicator of national identity, and here we need to stand shoulder to shoulder and move forward together, overcoming difficulties," said Ada Kvarchelia. 

Unite in joy

The Day of Culture of the Abaza People is traditionally celebrated on July 23 - the Day of the State Flag of the Republic of Abkhazia. On the territory of the Green Island Park, there were exhibitions of artisans, tents for face painting and a thematic photo zone. In addition, competitions were organized for the best national costume and young readers in the Abaza language.

On the central square, dozens of young people danced to national melodies, guests learned about the folk crafts and were treated to dishes of Abaza cuisine.

"The event is becoming larger and larger every year. This time we managed to attract more artisans to the festival. Many people themselves expressed a desire to exhibit their products, which could not but please us. All nationalities of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and neighboring regions could to get acquainted with our culture," said Murat Gedugov, head of the "Alashara" autonomous non-profit organization. 

The evening program of the event moved to the amphitheater, where a concert was held with the participation of popular Abaza and Abkhazian artists.

The audience greeted each performance with loud and sincere applause. Performers Abzagu Tsvizhba, Valeria Pertskheliia, Saida Gabniia and her young wards, as well as singer Iraklii Dzhumutiia represented Abkhazia.

Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Unity of cultures and sports spirit: the Abaza festival was held in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
© WAAC / Shazina Bganba

The holiday ended with fireworks, which brought together more than two thousand representatives of the Abaza people to the square. The guests left the holiday with a bright and unforgettable day in their hearts.