The international scientific and practical conference "National Legal Systems and the Modern World Order", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of the Abkhazian and Russian social and political figure, Doctor of Law, Professor Taras Shamba, opened in Sukhum on October 2.

The conference "National Legal Systems and the Modern World Order" was organized on the basis of the Abkhazian State University together with the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Abkhazia, the World Abaza Congress, the Russian Congress of the Peoples of the Caucasus and the Moscow Abkhazian Diaspora.

The head of the WAC Mussa Ekzekov and the Congress staff honored the memory of Taras Mironovich, who was at the origins of the creation of the Abaza Congress, and laid flowers at the monument in the park named after him.

The conference was opened by a statesman and public figure, candidate of sociological sciences Beslan Kobakhia and professor of the Department of government at the Institute of Public Service and Management of the RANEPA, doctor of legal sciences Natalia Mamitova.

The audience was shown a video telling about the main stages of the life and social activities of Taras Shamba.

Those who were lucky enough to be friends with him, work together or be his students shared memories of him. Chairman of the WAC Mussa Ekzekov told about the joint work, as well as the personality and unique character traits of his friend and ally.

"No matter how much we talk about Taras Mironovich, we will not fully remember all the facets that he possessed, about the boundless energy that he gave to all of us... Taras Mironovich possessed endless expanses of love for man and for his homeland. He had an indefatigable energy. He tirelessly did very great and very important work for many years. The greatest example of Taras Mironovich is all his ideas, initiatives and experience, which are the vector of further steps, the vector of success! We will continue his great work," Ekzekov said.

Rector of ASU, academician Aleko Gvaramia shared the details of Shamba’s work on the draft Constitution, and talked about how Shamba, while still a young student, came up with the idea of ​​unifying Abkhazian student youth.

"Taras and I graduated from a university in Moscow in the same year – 1963. Then he began his activities to unite young people from Abkhazia who study at Moscow universities. This marked the beginning of a wonderful tradition, which the Abkhazian Diaspora continues today," he said.

Gvaramia also shared his memories of how Taras Shamba accepted the title of honorary professor at the Abkhazian State University.

"When we presented him with a certificate of honorary professor, he held it close and said: "I have so many different titles, but this is the most valuable one." I told him: "Thank you, that’s very well said," Gvaramia shared. 

The organizers of the conference said that they plan to make the "Shamba’s Readings" a traditional annual event. Russian politician and statesman Sergey Baburin expressed a desire to discuss problems of society and the state at such meetings.

"I am confident that we have the opportunity to turn the "Shamba’s Readings" into an International Center for Planning the Successful Future of Humanity," he noted.

State Duma deputy Konstantin Zatulin, head of the Abkhazian Orthodox Church Father Vissarion (Apliaa), Plenipotentiary Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia in Germany Khibla Amichba, head of the Official Representative Office of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in Russia Leonid Manakov, writer, doctor of economic sciences Oleg Etlukhov and journalist, doctor of Philological Sciences Ekaterina Bebia spoke at the conference. In addition, the Dean of the Faculty of Personnel Management and Public Service of the IPACS, doctor of law, professor Elena Kireeva, as well as an expert from the Center for Experimental Educational Programs of the IPACS RANEPA Lyudmila Vorozheikina made presentations.

All speakers without hesitation agreed: loyalty to Abkhazia, science and deed was the main guideline of Taras Mironovich.