In 2023, about 400 children from Abkhazian villages took part in the Aimadara project of the World Abaza Congress.

The WAC Aimadara project, aimed at providing educational leisure activities for children, started in May 2023. During this period, it covered 7 villages of the republic: Aatsy, Kutol, Tkhina, Bedia, Baslakhu, Zvandrpsch, Khypsta, as well as the town of Gal and the Apeipsh educational center in Novy Afon. In addition, together with the First Inclusive Youth Organization, an excursion day around Novy Afon was organized for young people with disabilities.

The head of the WAC department for work with local representative offices, Dmitry Zhiba, told about the goals and objectives of the project.

“The Aimadara project has been implemented since 2019. His main goal is to visit iconic, cultural and historical sites of Abkhazia, and spend children’s leisure time usefully. Most of the children visit these places for the first time, they get to know each other and exchange contacts. Every year there are more and more requests from representatives of local branches of the WAC asking them to take part in the project. We, of course, support their initiatives whenever possible,” he emphasized.

During the current year, 7 trips were organized. The tour route is designed so that children from the eastern part of Abkhazia visit the western part and vice versa. It should be noted that the geography of the project is expanding every year.

“I would like to express my gratitude to our friends and partners, to everyone who supports our initiatives and makes concessions. This is an indicator that this project is not just a tour route, but also a cause that unites us with you,” added Zhiba.

The final trip was organized for students from two villages of the Gudauta region - Zvandripsch and Khypsta. Within one day, 50 students visited the Abrskil cave in the village of Otap, cathedrals in the villages of Myku and Bedia. The tiring road did not spoil the children's mood.

  They shared their impressions of their first trip to the Ochamchira region.

“I’ve hardly ever been to the Ochamchira region. It is amazing how many beautiful places there are that we have not seen yet. The Bedia Temple made a special impression. I think I will remember today’s trip forever,” one of the excursion participants, Kamilla Dzharsalia, told us.

  The Aimadara project will continue in 2024. As Kherson Simonia, a specialist in the WAC Department for working with local representative offices, noted, “there are already requests for participation in the project for next year.”

“The trips are accompanied by informative stories about certain sights of our country. Children's emotions are the best indicator of the significance of the project. Interest in participation inspires the organization of the route, despite the difficulties. Teachers and parents are already contacting us with a request to organize an excursion in 2024,” said Simonia.

The Aimadara project (formerly “Ashtra”) was launched in 2019 in conjunction with the Amch Public Organization. However, it was suspended during the pandemic. The Congress renewed the project in 2022. During this period, the project involved about 900 participants.