7 March 2025


We unite Abkhaz and Abaza around the world

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25.03.2024 12:00
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

“Ирӡтәым” project: The WAC held a lecture on the history of Abkhazian musical instruments.

This time the venue for the lecture was the Sukhum State Boarding School. The history of the development of national musical instruments and folk songs of the Abkhazians is part of the history of the ethnic group. National instruments can tell a lot about the culture of their people. This was precisely the topic of the meeting.

The lecture was delivered by invited guests - a member of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Gunda" Saida Alteyba and a member of the ensemble, a member of the Otar Khuntsaria State Orchestra of Folk Instruments, teacher and conductor of the Sukhum State School of Culture Sofia Kisekova.

The schoolchildren were shown such musical instruments as apkhyartsa, achyrpyn, achamgur, akyapkyap and ahymaa. They were also told about such instruments as ayumaa and adaul. The students had the opportunity not only to listen to a lecture about the history of the instruments, but also to play them themselves.

At the end of the lecture, the ensemble members, together with the audience, sang several Abkhazian folk songs.

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