27 July 2024


We unite Abkhaz and Abaza around the world

WAC event feed

18.07.2024 16:01
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

A meeting with athletes was held at the State Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports of the Republic of Abkhazia

The WAC Department for Youth Development and Physical Culture and the State Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports of the Republic of Abkhazia held a meeting with athletes who will take part in the IX Games of the Abaza people.  

WAC employees Valery Berzeniia and Esma Kvitsiniia, as well as the Chairman of the State Committee Tarash Khagba, discussed issues of interest to them with the delegation and expressed words of encouragement before the trip. In total, 37 athletes from Abkhazia will participate in the games.  

The Games of the Abaza people are sports competitions in which teams from the Abaza villages of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and Abkhazia take part.  

The venue for the games in 2024 will be the village of Apsua, Abaza district of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. 

The cultural and sports festival will last from July 21-23. It will consist of two parts: the Day of Culture of the Abaza People and the Games of the Abaza People. Culture Day is traditionally celebrated on July 23 - together with the Day of the State Flag of Abkhazia.  

Follow the highlights of the festival on the official website and pages of the Congress on social media.

01.07.2024 15:55
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia
01.07.2024 15:34
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia
30.06.2024 15:22
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

Google Translate added Abkhaz language

The company informed about adding 110 new languages ​​to the online translator, including Abkhaz, Avar, Chechen and Ossetian. According to the developers, the expansion has become the largest in the history of the service - the number of available languages ​​in it has almost doubled. 

You can translate words and even entire sentences from Russian into Abkhaz and vice versa both in the application and on the desktop version of the site. 

The PaLM 2 AI model helped Google Translate “learn” new languages. With the help of artificial intelligence, the company expects to increase the number of languages ​​to a thousand.

29.06.2024 01:02
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

“Step towards a dream” in Abkhazia

The 2nd international festival-competition of children’s and youth choreographic creativity “Step towards a dream” is taking place in Abkhazia. About two hundred young artists from different parts of Russia take part in it. The ten-day festival program includes educational, entertainment and cultural programs. The final gala concert with the participation of Abkhazian and Russian dance groups will take place on June 29 at the R. Gumba Abkhazian State Philharmonic. How the festival is going, what the young artists learned, and what awaits the audience at the gala concert - all the details are in our report.

We are pleased to support initiatives aimed at developing children's creativity and promoting a healthy lifestyle and moral values ​​among young people.

24.06.2024 14:35
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

M.K. Ekzekov’s condolences on the terrorist attack in Dagestan

In connection with the terrorist attack, June 24, 25 and 26 have been declared days of mourning in Dagestan. We deeply mourn together with the republic and the entire country.

On the evening of June 23, a monstrous terrorist attack occurred in Makhachkala and the resort of Derbent - gunmen committed an act of aggression and attacked churches. Police officers and several civilians were killed. We express our sincere condolences to the families of the victims, as well as to all residents of the republic. Thoughts and prayers of the entire Abkhaz-Abaza people are with the families of the victims. We wish a speedy recovery to those injured.

This terrorist act is another attempt to weaken the consolidation of society in a multinational republic. Moreover, as always, the militants act using the most low-key methods: attacking the unarmed and innocent ones. An attack on churches and a synagogue is a provocation and an attempt to bring discord in the society. Russia is a multinational and multi-religious country where representatives of all religions are treated with respect. The provocateurs will fail, and all the criminals and organizers of this terrorist act will receive their well-deserved punishment.

Terrorism in any form is an insult to the fundamental values ​​of humanity. This is unconditional evil. But our commitment to the values ​​of tolerance, compassion and respect is unwavering. And eventually, it is always these values ​​that triumph over evil.

With deepest sympathy and solidarity, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the World Abaza Congress M.K. Ekzekov

19.06.2024 16:33
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

A literary evening of the Abkhaz-Abaza Diaspora took place in St. Petersburg 

A literary evening of the Abkhaz-Abaza Diaspora was held in the House of Journalists building on the Nevsky Prospekt. Guests and participants gathered to plunge into the world of words, art and culture. 
A special event during the evening was the presentation of the book “Between the Temple, the Stadium and the Park” by the famous Abkhazian and Russian writer and poet Vladimir Mikhailovich Delba, who shared his talent with the public. The writer is a member of the Russian PEN Center, the Union of Writers of Russia, the Union of Artists of Abkhazia, and the International Federation of Artists of UNESCO. 
Scholars, young talented poets, writers and singers of modern Abkhazian songs also performed on stage. Guests were pleased with a short quiz that allowed them to test their knowledge about the literature and culture of the Abkhaz-Abaza people. 
The event ended with applause and words of gratitude addressed to the organizers and participants. The evening was remembered with vivid emotions and inspiration for all those present.

15.06.2024 15:22
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

The first dissertation within the program for the development and preservation of the Abkhaz-Abaza language was successfully defended

Applicant for the Adyg State University Maryana Karmova defended her dissertation on  “Abaza language in multilingual conditions: sociolinguistic and linguocultural aspects.”

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