25822 The cultural and sports festival “Abaza”, which was held in Abkhazia on October 16-18, ended with a large-scale holiday in Sukhum. MORE ABOUT THIS >> WATCH THIS EVENT PHOTOFEED >> Abkhazia WAC “Abaza” festival To leave a comment you need to login or register. Share VKontakteTwitter а б в г ӷ д џ е ҽ ҿ ж з ӡ и к қ ҟ л м н о ҩ п ԥ р с т ҭ у ф х ҳ ц ҵ ч ҷ ш ы ь ә Абхазский язык Абазинский язык а б в г д е ё ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я Ӏ Абхазский язык Абазинский язык No comments Relevant publications The will to win: photo story of the eighth freestyle wrestling tournament for the Ekzekov cup 18/10/2019 09:50 All that’s left are emotions and a sense of unity: the first “Abaza” festival ended in Sukhum 19/10/2019 01:40 Bright colors of “Abaza”: folk dances, songs and ancient rite 19/10/2019 02:30 Emotions and impressions: guests and organizers on the first “Abaza” festival in Abkhazia 19/10/2019 23:55 Photo In the fight for the cup: highlights from the second day of competitions The first day of the "Aimtsakiachara" Abkhazian national game tournament May 21 is the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the Caucasian War. Interviews "Гәыкала". Kan Taniia "Гәыкала". Khariton Agrba. "Гәыкала". Ekaterina Bebiia
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