16 September 2024


We unite Abkhaz and Abaza around the world

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25.05.2023 17:56
Ochamchira, Republic of Abkhazia

WAC organized a trip for schoolchildren from Aatsy within the framework of the “Aimadara” project.

The Department of the World Abaza Congress for work with local branches within the framework of the “Aimadara” project organized an excursion for 40 students of the Aatsy Secondary School. For the first time, the children visited the Abrskil cave in the village of Otap and the Mokva temple.
The cultural part of the event later turned into entertainment. After the tour, the project participants played sports games, including national ones.
The “Aimadara” project was first launched by the WAC in 2019. It is aimed at acquainting rural youth with the sights of Abkhazia. The next trip is scheduled for June 3rd. The tour will be held for children from the villages of Arasadzikh and Kutol.

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