18 October 2024


We unite Abkhaz and Abaza around the world

WAC event feed

    11 December 2023
11.12.2023 19:24
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

WAC provided financial assistance in organizing a theater group at Bzyb school.

A play was staged as part of the work of an acting group at Bzyb Secondary School No. 1. The World Abaza Congress helped to organize the event.

11.12.2023 18:00
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

Congress team visited the museum of Bzyb Secondary School No. 1.

At the invitation of the leadership of Bzyb Secondary School No. 1, staff of the World Abaza Congress visited the school museum.

The museum has been operating since 2023. It consists of 4 halls with exhibits from different historical eras: the hall of the Patriotic War of the People of Abkhazia of 1992-1993, the hall of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the hall of the repressed and missing ones in 1937 and the local history museum. In the corridor leading to the halls there are 17 flags of Abkhazia. The presented evolution of flags is the eventful historical path of our Motherland.

Tours through the halls are conducted by school students in their native language. The school museum has significant educational potential. Love for the Motherland, for its history, for the native language is a wonderful example of patriotic education and ideological work with the younger generation.

11.12.2023 13:14
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Abkhazian athletes became winners of the IX All-Russian freestyle wrestling tournament.

Athletes Alan Gerzmava and Leonid Aristava became winners, and Damey Karkhalava became the bronze medalist at the IX All-Russian freestyle wrestling tournament, dedicated to the memory of USSR champion Vladimir Radionov. The tournament took place on December 9-10 in St. Petersburg. It was attended by 180 athletes from Russia (Amur, Leningrad and Moscow regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, Karelia, the cities of Kaliningrad, Moscow and St. Petersburg), Belarus, Armenia and Abkhazia. Abkhazian athletes are trained by Igor Beraya, Adam Tsveyba, Razmik Alabyan and Daut Lazba.

11.12.2023 13:00
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

The “Walking the paths of Apsuara” series: meetings that were held in the villages of Atara, Lashkendar and Kyndyg.

As part of the series of programs “Walking the paths of Apsuara” journalist Ekaterina Bebia covers the progress of meetings on “Apsuara” in the villages of Atara, Lashkendar and Kyndyg. The recording was made in 2009.

11.12.2023 11:55
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Mussa Ekzekov donated unique objects of art to the Hermitage.

The Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Mussa Ekzekov, donated five pieces of art to the Hermitage Museum: these are forms of two halves, made of alpine black slate with a counter-relief engraving of the emperors of Russia. Today they are exhibited in the St. George Hall of the Hermitage, visitors will be able to see them until January 14. It was this gift that Hermitage experts called the most significant in 2023. In a letter of gratitude, the general director of the Museum, Mikhail Piotrovsky, emphasized that the resulting forms are a rarity for museum collections. He thanked Mussa Khabalevich for the gift and noted that the Hermitage values ​​the friendly ties that bind them and highly appreciates the attention shown to the museum.

There are long-standing historical ties between Karachay-Cherkessia and St. Petersburg, which are gradually strengthening with the full support of the head of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Rashid Temrezov. Therefore, in April 2023, the Parliament of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg signed an inter-parliamentary agreement providing for joint work in all areas. Interaction continues to develop through regular meetings, joint events and activities. The donation of art pieces is one of these significant events.

According to Mussa Ekzekov, the decision to give works of art to the museum is explained by the desire to contribute to the preservation of the country’s cultural heritage: “I am confident that the educational and cultural value of these forms will be increased in the museum. Moreover, these artifacts will serve as a symbol of unity and shared history. At all times, art and culture unite people, transcending borders and fostering a sense of pride and love for a common historical and cultural heritage. Having transferred the works to the museum’s collection, I am convinced that they will continue to inspire and foster love for the homeland.”

The works were made using the counter-relief engraving technique, which was common in the ancient world. For example, jewelry, coins and amulets were made using this engraving method in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. Engravings were made from various types of stones and cast from metal. Today this technique is almost never used. There are no more than 15 masters left in the world who own it. Engraver Vladimir Nuzhdin is the only artist in Russia who works in the counter-relief technique. The donated items are not just decorative artifacts, they are windows into Russian history. The engravings are made of alpine slate, the case is made of walnut wood. Among the engravings are two forms with a counter-relief engraving of Emperor Alexander I of Russia, as well as one engraving each of Emperor Paul I, Empress Catherine II the Great and Emperor Nicholas I.

Earlier, in 2017, Mussa Ekzekov donated a collection of tin soldiers, which includes more than 2.5 thousand figures, to the Suvorov Museum in St. Petersburg. The collection later became part of the new, Russia’s only museum of tin soldiers.