Mussa Ekzekov, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the World Abaza Congress, addressed the Abkhaz-Abaza (Abaza), Ubykh and fraternal peoples of the Caucasus on the 156th anniversary of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Caucasian War.

Dear brothers and sisters, dear compatriots!

I am warmly addressing you on the 156th anniversary of the great tragedy for the Abkhaz-Abaza (Abaza), Ubykh and other fraternal Caucasian peoples - the forced resettlement of our ancestors to foreign lands. Because of those historical events, the people who once lived in their ancestral lands were divided, and the lands of the mountain peoples of the North Caucasus and central Abkhazia were empty.

We have no right to forget that tragic period and this memory should help us better understand what is happening to build a bright future.

Dear compatriots!

We are all united by concern for the fate of our people, the desire to be useful to our historical Motherland. We all live with the understanding that on our shoulders lies the responsibility for a common future, for what experience we will pass on to young generations. It is important that our people, relying on historical memory, look to the future with an understanding of the importance of consolidation. That is why the activities of the World Abaza Congress are aimed, among other things, at strengthening the ethnocultural unity of the Abkhaz-Abaza (Abaza) and Ubykh peoples, facilitating its socio-economic and cultural development, promoting the restoration and strengthening of family ties, expanding and strengthening the ties of the Abkhaz-Abaza Diasporas with their historical Motherland. Compatriots living outside the historical Motherland actively seek to maintain close contact with it, try to participate in its life, help expand its cultural presence, popularize its native language, and preserve traditional values.

The World Abaza Congress is dynamically increasing its work with the Abkhaz-Abaza Diaspora in Russia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, European countries and other countries of residence of compatriots. Our Diaspora is a valuable asset for the development of all sectors of life in the historical Homeland.

Dear brothers and sisters,

The World Abaza Congress will contribute to the strengthening and development of close interaction with Adyg and other fraternal peoples, both in the Caucasus and in the Diaspora around the world. Together, we must increase our common cultural values and historical ties.

With all my heart, I wish you good health and well-being.

Chairman of the Supreme Council World Abaza Congress M.K. Ekzekov