The result of the joint project activities of the WAC and the State Repatriation Committee of the Republic of Abkhazia were the projects "Аураща" and "Апсуа куашара".
Abkhaz children from Turkey and Jordan arrived in Sukhum to rest in a camp organized by the Ministry of Repatriation of Abkhazia.
On the day of the anniversary, Khairi Kutarba, brought up in the traditions of “apsuara” far from the historical homeland, an engineer by education and a translator from Abkhaz to Turkish who came to live in Abkhazia, the WAC info portal publishes an essay about him.
Read in an interview to the WAC infoportal with the President of Abkhazia Raul Khadzhimba on the national idea, the development of the native language, the unity of Abkhazians and Abazins, on the problems of repatriation and the role of the Diaspora in the development of the Abkhazian state.
The President of Abkhazia Raul Khadzhimba told about the formation of the national idea, the preservation and development of the Abkhaz and Abazin languages, as well as the strengthening of ties with the Diaspora.
The head of the World Abaza Congress (WAC), Mussa Ekzekov, and the Executive Secretary of the organization Inar Gitsba visited the Abkhaz-Abaza Diaspora in Turkey.
The first foreign trip of Mussa Ekzekov, the new head of the World Abaza Congress (WAC), and Inar Gitsba, Executive Secretary of the organization, was held to Turkey from May 5 to 8. Along with the official meetings with the leaders of the Abkhaz Federation of Cultural Centers (Abhazfed), the trip included visits to a number of cultural events, organized by the Abkhaz cultural centers, working in the country.
On Friday, March 23, Abkhazia celebrated the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic's State Repatriation Committee. For a quarter of a century more than four and a half thousand compatriots returned to their permanent residence in Abkhazia. About 11 thousand people received Abkhaz citizenship.