18 October 2024


We unite Abkhaz and Abaza around the world

WAC event feed

17.10.2024 13:29
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Article "Abaza: Renewal of Ethnicity or a Workshop of New Ethnography"

Scientific research by the Director of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrey Golovnev is devoted to the study of ethnicity using the example of the Abaza experience.

17.10.2024 13:17
Gal, Republic of Abkhazia

A two-day training on the basics of social design was held in the town of Gal

Social design specialists Lana Chkadua and Mate Tskvitariia told 9-11 graders of the Gal Secondary School No. 1 about the main components of the project.
The first day of the training included theoretical knowledge, and on the second day the participants were divided into 4 teams, each of which described their ideas in the project form: purchasing books for the library office, equipping the gym with the necessary gear, conducting trainings with a psychologist for senior students and creating a club at the school for additional extracurricular study of the Abkhaz language.

By the decision of the commission, the project of the "Gal Modern" team will receive funding. The project involves the creation of a club at the school for studying the Abkhaz language.

The trainings on the basics of social design are implemented by the World Abaza Congress together with the State Committee for Youth Affairs and Sports.

16.10.2024 12:00
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

Denim show: WAC and Colors of Nation completed an environmental project.

A charity show and auction of a denim collection was held in Sukhum. The event completed a project launched in 2021 by Colors of Nation with the participation of the World Abaza Congress.

The environmental problem as a global security threat formed the basis of the events. At first stage, the WAC team, together with students of the Gagra Abkhazian School, planted 20 trees on the school grounds. Then, together with Colors of Nation, an eco-lecture was held for local residents on the Gagra embankment. At the lecture, the organizers announced the installation of a battery bin in the "Brioche" city coffee shop. At the end of the lecture, ballerina Diana Apsova performed a dance on a stage decorated with jeans. It is worth noting that shortly before the lecture, a collection of old and unnecessary denim items was announced.

The joint project was aimed at promoting the protection of nature from pollution and destruction, reproduction and the natural use of things among the local population.

After some time, Abkhazian designers presented a denim collection from the collected material to the public. Not only professional models took part in the fashion show, but also ordinary girls, including models with disabilities. The presented items were put up for auction, in which the audience of the show took an active part. The bright show was memorable for the host's ride on a motorcycle, and the performance of young ballerinas. The event ended on a musical note performed by singer Kristina Eshba. All proceeds from the show were donated to the “Ashana” cultural and charitable foundation.

15.10.2024 17:07
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

Shoot on command: Duripsh schoolchildren in the WAC project.

As part of the WAC department project for work with local representatives, the fourth basic military training master class for high school students of Abkhazia was held.

Pupils of the Duripsh Secondary School were invited to the "Abkhaz Shooting Club".

Shooting club instructor Felix Kvitsiniia conducted a theoretical briefing on handling weapons, told how to stand, aim, hold a weapon and shoot. Then, on the shooting field, everyone could apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

It is planned to hold 2 more master classes by the end of 2024.

15.10.2024 16:42
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

The Caucasus: a crossroads of cultures

On October 14, a seminar organized by the Caucasus Ethnography Department of the MAE RAS, "The Caucasus: a crossroads of cultures", was held at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kunstkamera).

Head of information policy and communications of the World Abaza Congress (WAC) Tengiz Tarba made a report at the seminar. A member of the WAC team, Abzagu Tsvizhba, also took part in the seminar.

The report was devoted to expeditions to ancient human settlements in the mountains of Abkhazia and the history of Christianity in the region.

The event was held within the framework of cooperation of the World Abaza Congress with the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kunstkamera), which is constantly developing thanks to the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the WAC Mussa Khabalevich Ekzekov and the Director of the Kunstkamera Andrei Vladimirovich Golovnev.

Tengiz Tarba told about the joint expeditions of the “Highland Abkhazia” Foundation with the Ministry of Culture and Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Abkhazia. During these studies, about 350 objects of historical and cultural heritage were discovered, including more than a hundred stone buildings at the foot of Mount Khimsa and six well-preserved ovens on the slopes of Mount Dzykhva.

Tengiz Tarba is the author of personal photo exhibitions and presentations about Abkhazia in Italy, Germany, Russia, San Marino and Pridnestrovie. Tarba was twice announced as the winner of the “My Planet” TV channel award in the "Professional photo and video report on travel" category. The event also included a screening of the films “The History of Christianity in Abkhazia” and “Highland Abkhazia. Ancient Human Site”. The participants discussed the importance of Christianity in Abkhazia, which is one of the countries with the earliest spread of this religion. Back in the 1st century AD, the disciples of Christ, Saints Andrew the First-Called, Simon the Zealot, and Apostle of the 70 Matthias, arrived in Abkhazia to preach the Gospel.

The first church community arose in the 4th century in Pitiunt. We would like to thank Makka Albogachieva, Head of the Caucasus Ethnography Department of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, for organizing the seminar.

14.10.2024 15:24
Ochamchira, Republic of Abkhazia

The route is set: WAC resumed the “Aimadara” project.

The Department of the World Abaza Congress for work with local representatives resumed the “Aimadara” project in the new academic year. The first excursionists of the second stage of the project were students of the Tvanaarkhua Secondary School.

14.10.2024 11:36
Ochamchira, Republic of Abkhazia

Uarcha is another stop for medical examination

More than 100 schoolchildren from the village of Uarcha underwent a comprehensive medical examination as part of the medical examination project.

11.10.2024 18:56
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

Quiz around the head: WAC held an intellectual battle

WAC together with Aqua quiz and the Department of Youth and Sports of the Sukhum Municipal Administration held an intellectual and entertaining game "Abaza". 14 teams took part in it. Our video will tell about the atmosphere that reigned at the quiz and show the most striking moments of the competition.

02.10.2024 23:17
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

Development of legal science and unification of the ethnic group: II "Shamba Readings" were held at ASU

The II International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the memory of the public and political figure, Doctor of Law, Professor Taras Shamba, was held at the Abkhazian State University.

01.10.2024 12:34
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

World Abaza Congress took part in a gala reception in honor of the 31st anniversary of Victory and Independence Day of Abkhazia

Abzagu Tsvizhba took part in a gala reception organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Russian Federation as a representative of the World Abaza Congress. The event was held in the GlavUpDK cultural center at the Russian Foreign Ministry and brought together a wide range of participants.

The official part of the reception was opened by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Russian Federation Alkhas Kvitsiniia. In his opening remarks, he emphasized how much effort was required to achieve victory and independence and highlighted the role of the unity and resilience of the Abkhazian people in this process.

The Director of the Fourth Fourth CIS Department the Russian Foreign Ministry Denis Gonchar also made a welcoming speech. He noted the traditional Abkhazian hospitality and conveyed congratulations from the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry, emphasizing the importance of stable development of the Republic of Abkhazia.

The ceremony was attended by ambassadors and diplomats of friendly countries, representatives of government bodies of the Russian Federation, public and cultural figures, as well as members of the Moscow Abkhazian Diaspora.

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