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23.02.2024 12:25
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia

Mussa Ekzekov congratulated the defenders of the Fatherland on February 23.

Chairman of the Supreme Council of the WAC Mussa Ekzekov congratulated the defenders of the Fatherland on February 23. The congratulation says, in particular:

"Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Traditionally, on this day we honor the heroes who defended the country during the Great Patriotic War, but in fact this date became a holiday more than a hundred years ago! Back then was it called Red Gift Day. In one version, the holiday was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the battles of the first Red Army soldiers against the troops of the German invaders near Pskov and Narva.

However, whatever the background of the holiday, one thing remains unchanged: February 23 is an occasion to remember the merits of all the soldiers who stood up to defend their homeland in the most difficult times. I want to thank our veterans for their invaluable sacrifice and courage! For each of us, you are a symbol of heroism and selfless service to the fatherland, an example to all of us and future generations. Thanks to you, we are united as never before and are ready to continue to stand for freedom and well-being of Russia.

Separately, I would like to express my utmost respect to the participants of the special military operation. The strength of spirit of our military personnel and volunteers invariably leads us to victory. You carry out your duty with honor, courage and dignity, which inspires us to be better, to believe in ourselves and our beloved country. Your patriotism and dedication are foundations that we deeply honor and nurture in our children. Together we can overcome any difficulties! I wish you good health, military success and prosperity to your loved ones! Happy holiday!"

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