18 February 2025


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11/03/2022 09:30 Personalities 33676
“Is it simple: to burn every day since dawn for everyone?”: in memory of Taif Adzhba

On March 11, 1939, one of the favorite poets in Abkhazia, Taif Adzhba, was born. On October 9, 1992, he and few other Abkhazians were taken away in an unknown direction by Georgian guards. The memory of him among the people is alive, just as his sincere lines are alive and eternally new.

13/08/2019 11:15 Personalities 37677
Mussa Ekzekov: “Preservation of my people has worried me since childhood”

On August 13, the head of the Supreme Council of the WAC, a scientist and philanthropist, public figure whose purpose and putting of efforts were aimed at the revival of his own people - Mussa Ekzekov celebrates his anniversary. The WAC web information portal prepared an essay about him for this important date.

08/08/2019 16:15 Personalities 44185
“Abaza will be heard, and everyone will learn about our culture”: on the anniversary of Armida Chagova

On August 8, Armida Chagova, a well-known public figure in the KChR and the Stavropol Region, turns 65 years old. WAC web information portal has prepared an essay on her interesting life path, socially significant work, plans and dreams.

29/07/2019 15:20 Personalities 39938
Taras Shamba: “President of all Abkhaz”

For the birthday of Taras Shamba, the man with whom the World Abaza Congress began to exist, the WAC web information portal prepared an essay on him.

25/07/2019 18:25 Personalities 23551
Patriarch of Abaza literature: on Khamid Zhirov

If we talk about the formation, development and flourishing of Abaza literature, then, of course, the figure of Khamid Zhirov takes the first roles. On the birthday of the patriarch of Abaza literature, the WAC web information portal prepared an essay about him.

24/07/2019 17:40 Personalities 28570
“There is more joy in life than shadow”: on Gennady Alamiya’s birthday

July 24 marks the 70th anniversary of the Abkhaz poet and social and political leader, who was for more than 15 years the IAAAP General Secretary - now WAC - II degree commander of Honor and Glory Gennady Alamiya.

22/07/2019 12:45 Personalities 25179
“Golden scalpel” Mukharbi Tatarshaov: for the birthday of the Abaza surgeon

July 22 marks the 66th anniversary of the famous Abaza surgeon Mukharbi Tatarshaov. The WAC web information portal prepared an essay about the interesting life and professional paths of this extraordinary person.

15/07/2019 10:30 Personalities 36398
Still wanted to catch a lot near my people: for the birthday of Boris Adleyba

July 15, on the birthday of Boris Adleyba, the WAC web information portal recalls this bright leader of Abkhazia of modern times.

25/06/2019 21:20 Interview 42524
Vladimir Avidzba: I didn’t feel like a stranger in Turkey even for a second

On the eve of the 82nd anniversary of Vladimir Avidzba, the WAC web information portal interviewed this brilliant politician and man.

25/06/2019 10:05 Personalities 24420
Sharp mind, sly humor, big heart: to the birthday of Yuri Agirbov

The WAC information portal has prepared an essay on the birthday of Yuri Agirbov, an outstanding Abaza scholar and public figure, one of those people who are called the pride of the nation.

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