WAC event feed
Inar Gitsba met with members of the Supreme Council of the WAC regional branch in Turkey.
As part of the VIII General Assembly of Abkhazfed, the Executive Secretary of the World Abaza Congress Inar Gitsba met members of the Supreme Council of the WAC regional branch in Turkey. At the meeting, issues of interaction between organizations aimed at developing cooperation with the Diaspora in Turkey, strengthening ethnocultural values and preserving traditions were discussed.
Levent Atryshba was elected as the new chairman of Abkhazfed.
The VIII regular General Assembly of the Federation of Abkhazian Cultural Centers (Abkhazfed) was held today in the Turkish city of Izmit. The convention was attended by 286 delegates from 22 cultural centers, as well as a delegation from the Parliament of Abkhazia, which included a deputy, Executive Secretary of the WAC Inar Gitsba.
As part of the General Assembly meeting, elections of members of the board and the chairman of Abkhazfed took place. Three candidates applied for the post of head of the Federation: Erdzhai Pachkoria, Hassan Kardia, Levent Atryshba. Based on the voting results, Levent Atryshba was elected chairman of the Federation of Abkhazian Cultural Centers.
The “Walking the paths of Apsuara” cycle: interview with Pantik Tapagua.
As part of the series of programs “Walking the paths of Apsuara”, journalist Ekaterina Bebia interviewed the teacher, educator Pantik Tapagua, who for many years was the head of the Kutol Secondary School. The recording was made in 2009 in the studio of the Abkhazian State Television in Sukhum. https://abaza.org/en/1101