WAC event feed
Representatives of the Union of Intelligentsia of Abkhazia visited the Sukhum office of the Congress
The meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Congress staff told the guests about the main activities of the organization and its structure.
Issues of preserving and developing national culture and native language, patriotic education of youth, and strengthening spiritual and moral values were discussed at the meeting. As a result of the conversation, plans were outlined for interaction in the implementation of various socio-cultural projects.
Heroes live in our hearts as long as the memory lives
The team of the World Abaza Congress took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the memorial in the Park of Glory to those perished.
The March offensive is one of the most tragic and bloody in the history of the Patriotic War of the people of Abkhazia. In two days - March 15-16 - the biggest number of defenders of Abkhazia during the entire war fell - 222 people. Hundreds of soldiers were injured, and 23 soldiers are still considered missing.
Catch phrases of famous representatives of the Abkhaz-Abaza people.
222 people were killed and 23 went missing in the March offensive